Not Writing Advice (and other bookish things)
A podcast where authors (and moms!) Kelly and Rocky share their journeys to publication, what works (and what doesn't) for them as writers, and discuss all things writing with special guests!
Podcasting since 2023 • 16 episodes
Not Writing Advice (and other bookish things)
Latest Episodes
We're Back!
Hey everyone! After our holiday/winter hiatus, WE'RE BACK! We hope everyone had a great (and hopefully relaxing) break. We're so excited to get back into it and gab about all the bookish things with each other, our new guests, and all of you! G...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season 1 Finale and What to Expect Next Year
We have had such an amazing time this year connecting with our guests and listeners alike. Thank you so much for all of the support and we so excited for what's to come!Join us as we discuss our plans for what we have in store in season...

"The Importance of Self-Care!" with Special Guest Melanie Schubert
Fellow podcaster (co-host of the amazing podcast "Of the Publishing Persuasion") chats with us about the importance of self-care, especially in this creative field we find ourselves in. We talk about everything from magnesium, yoga, to blue bar...