Not Writing Advice (and other bookish things)
A podcast where authors (and moms!) Kelly and Rocky share their journeys to publication, what works (and what doesn't) for them as writers, and discuss all things writing with special guests!
16 episodes
We're Back!
Hey everyone! After our holiday/winter hiatus, WE'RE BACK! We hope everyone had a great (and hopefully relaxing) break. We're so excited to get back into it and gab about all the bookish things with each other, our new guests, and all of you! G...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season 1 Finale and What to Expect Next Year
We have had such an amazing time this year connecting with our guests and listeners alike. Thank you so much for all of the support and we so excited for what's to come!Join us as we discuss our plans for what we have in store in season...

"The Importance of Self-Care!" with Special Guest Melanie Schubert
Fellow podcaster (co-host of the amazing podcast "Of the Publishing Persuasion") chats with us about the importance of self-care, especially in this creative field we find ourselves in. We talk about everything from magnesium, yoga, to blue bar...

"How I went from Self-Pub to Trad-Pub!" with Special Guest Analeigh Sbrana
Author of Lore of the Wilds (Feb '24), Analeigh Sbrana tells us all about her WILD ride from querying, to self-publishing, to a major traditional publishing deal, sprinkled with a lot of random tangents and laughing!

Hot Mess Express (HME) - Pen Names
Welcome to our new episodes where we talk about quick writing topics and completely lose sight of any structured discussion!

We're Back!
We're back and we have exciting new things coming for the podcast! In this episode we discuss why we were on a hiatus, what we did during that time (including getting to meet each other IRL), and what we're up to now. Listen in and go to our In...

"My Submission Experience!" with Special Guest Angela Montoya
In Angela's episode, she tells us all about her first experience going on submission for her debut novel Sinner's Isle (releasing 10/31/23!). She rehashes how she and her agent decided to pivot after the first round, what the process looked lik...

Q & A
Join us as we answer questions from the writing community from how we feel about prologues to how we tackle writing spicy scenes!

"How I Got My Agent(s)!" with Special Guest Kelsie Gonzalez
In this episode, the amazing Kelsie Gonzalez shares her querying journey with us. She talks about the red flags she missed with her first agent, querying for the second time, and how it all worked out for the better!

"How I Got My Agent!" with Special Guest RJ Valldeperas (a.k.a Rocky!)
Listen in as I (Kelly) get the inside scoop on how my amazing cohost Rocky fought through the query trenches and came out the other side with the perfect agent for her and her book!

Querying - Pt. 2 with Special Guests Kassandra Alexander & Kathleen Foxx
Kathleen Foxx and Kassie Alexander share their expertise when it comes to query letters, how important comps are, and the Twitter event they hold to help writers find the best ones!

Querying - Pt. 1
In this episode Kelly and Rocky discuss what's worked for them so far in the querying process and their favorite tools that are helping them through the trenches!

Bonus Episode: Get to Know Us
In this episode Rocky and Kelly introduce themselves and what brought them to this point int their writing journies and what they're doing next!

Revisions - Pt. 2 with Special Guest Taylor Robinson
Taylor Robinson graces us as our first guest and shares her experience with revisions and how she helps authors polish their manuscripts!
Episode 2